Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Post 1: Chapters 1-2 The Hooks

In chapters one and two, there are many events that occurr to hook you. In chapter one, Pony boy gets beat up by the socs, barely saved by his gangmates. The greasers finally fought the socs back to their car and forced them to retreat as their only option. This scene hooks readers by exposing action to the story that readers want more of, while at the same time setting in the conflict between the socs and the greasers and how their hate is constantly passed back and forth through fighting. My reaction to this hook is strong. Once I read this part I was totally hooked because the suspense you want to uncover at this point lies ahead in the book. In the second chapter, Ponyboy and Johnny's encounter with the soc girls Cherry and Marcia hook you with suspenseful romance. When I read to this part I thought to myself, "Is there really going to be a relationship between a soc and a greaser? I thought socs were against greasers. Are the soc girls boys going to beat up Ponyboy and Johnny for this? I want to find out cause this might get interesting." And sure enough it did get interesting. Chapters one and two really set hooks for the main feelings and events in this book like romance, fighting, hate, coolness, and portraying main characters personalities.

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