Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Outsiders Intro

In the book The Outsiders by  S.E. Hinton, lots of action takes place. The book is about a kid named Ponyboy who is in a greaser gang with his two older brothers, Sodapop and Darry, and some other locals named Two-bit, Dallas, Steve, and Johnny. The greaser gang is a rival of a different kind of gang called the socs, standing for socials. The difference between socs and greasers are that socs are rich, drive around in mustangs and corvairs, and dress in madras shirts and other clothing related to that. Greasers on the other hand are poor, don't own great cars, they wear grease in their hair and comb it back, they wear leather jackets, jeans, and white t-shirts. Greasers and socs fight alot ending sometimes in death if the gang doesn't fight well enough for themselves.

Post 8: The Resolution

Getting to the last pages of the book, Ponyboy and Raymond make a truce that greasers and socs are not enemies anymore. I think it is a great way and point to end the story with because it reliefs your emotional looks on the book because just before that Dallas and Johnny had died. It makes you feel better about Bob's death and all of the young lives this battle could've caused to die if it didn't stop when it did. This book is highly recommended for it's excellent story and great characters that expose many traits to emotional thoughts strongly.

Post 7: Dallas's Final Breath

After Johnny had died, Dallas lost his cool. He loved Johnny, he loved him so much. Now that he was dead, Dallas took the car and left to rob a grocery store. Dallas didn't want to live, he wanted to die because Johnny had died. Dallas and the rest of the gang met half way at the empty lot they always hung out on. Dallas ran to a stop light, now with the cops getting out of their cars to arrest him. Dallas didn't want to be arrested, he wanted to die. He pulled a gun from his belt to make the cops act. And sure enough, the cops shot him at that streetlight, dying before hitting the ground. Ponyboy didn't know what to do, now that two of his best friends and gangmates had died on the very same night. This scene really sends you questioning yourself. Why did Dallas want to rob that grocery store? Was he doing it for Johnny? I think this scene of the book makes you wonder what is at the end of the book to end it good?

Post 6: The Fight

Before the fight, the whole greaser gang was almost partying. They were getting high, doing acrobatics in the lawn, and joking around. When they arrived, the socs arrived too, right on time. To start the fight Darry goes against a soc named Paul. Dallas runs to the fight but when Darry turns to see him, Paul punches him right in the jaw. After the rumble begins fists and legs go everywhere. In the end Steve has three broken ribs, Darry will have a black eye and he has a cut on his forehead, Ponyboy has multiple bruises on his back and stomach, and the rest were fine. This fight ended once two-bit saw the socs finally in retreat. The gang goes over to the hospital to tell Johnny the news. When they got there, Johnny said his final words and then died in the hospital. Dallas is so shocked that he takes the car and leaves Ponyboy to find another way home. Ponyboy walked home until a man in a car offered him a ride home. His gang was waiting at his house, all spread around the living room resting their injuries.

Post 5: Johnny

While Johnny was in critical condition in the hospital because a timber from a roof craked his back, the nurses wouldn't let anyone see him. They later got into his room to see how he was doin in his recovery progress. Ponyboy comes to discover that Johnny won't be able to walk ever again and may be paralyzed from neck down. For Johnny, the rest of the gang decides to get back at the socs once and for all. Ponyboy gets stopped on the way home by Cherry. She tells him that Randy, a former soc, will not be there because Bob, the soc that Johnny stabbed, was Randy's best friend. Randy wouldn't fight without Bob.

Post 4: The Church

In the beginning of chapter five, Johnny and Ponyboy are in the church hiding from being found and accused of murder. Johnny goes out to the store to get some food and other supplies. When Johnny gets back to the church where Ponyboy waits for him, Ponyboy spies a bottle of peroxide in the shopping bag. Johnny explains how they had to change their looks to not get found and taken to jail. They were going to cut their hair off and bleach Ponyboy's hair. Ponyboy doesn't like the idea of cutting their hair and bleaching his because he claims their hair is their pride. Ponyboy is so concerned on keeping with the greaser ways to still fit in the gang. If its one thing that greasers always have, its long smooth greased hair that looks good. Ponyboy is afraid of losing his pride but Johnny is more afraid of getting caught since he is the reason the police want the two of them for accusation of murder.

Post 3: The Difference Between A Soc and A Greaser

This is a typical greaser outfit. In the book, greasers wore leather jackets, white t-shirts, and jeans. This outfit is usually what all greasers wear because they are mostly poor.

Besides the starwars stuff, the jacket style is the style jacket the socs wore. The socs wore jeans, these jackets, and madras and mustang t-shirts. Socs wore this high priced clothing because socs were rich.

For transportation, greasers rode motorcycles for their cheap price. If some greasers had more money, they could invest in a car or a good motorcycle.

Socs drove mustangs and corvairs or any other really cool car of the time. They usually drove cool cars to show off for girls.

Socs and Greasers are very different in many ways. Though socs had better cars, greasers were better with cars. They don't call them greasers for nothing cause they are "grease monkeys" aka good with mechanics. As a matter of fact, Ponyboys brother Sodapop works as a mechanic.